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Interface PostbackEvent

PostbackEvent occur when a postback button, Get Started button, or persistent menu item is tapped.




Check official reference.




[toStringTag]: "MessengerEvent"
category: "postback" | "standby"
data: string

Payload parameter that was defined with the button. This is only visible to the app that send the original template message.

isEcho: boolean

Indicate whether the event is an echo.

isStandby: boolean

Indicate whether the event is sent to a standby channel.

payload: any
platform: "messenger"
referral: undefined | RawReferral

Referral information for how the user got into the thread.

referralAdId: undefined | string

Id of ad if referral.source is 'ADS'.

referralRef: undefined | string

The optional ref attribute set in the referrer if referral exist.

referralSource: undefined | ReferralSource

The source of the referral if referral exist.

The user that triggered the webhook event.

timestamp: number
title: string

Title for the CTA that was clicked on. This is sent to all apps subscribed to the page. For apps other than the original CTA sender, the postback event will be delivered via the standby channel.

type: "postback"
user: null | MessengerUser

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