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assetTag?: string

The asset tag for TelegramAssetsManager to save the uploaded file id with. This prop only annotates on the created job, you have to add {@link saveUplodedFile} middleware to make automatical saving happen.

caption?: MachinatNode

File caption (may also be used when resending photos by file_id), 0-1024 characters after entities parsing

disableNotification?: boolean

Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.

duration?: number

Duration of sent voice in seconds

fileData?: string | Buffer | ReadableStream

The file content data when uploading the file directly.

fileId?: string

The file id already stored somewhere on the Telegram servers.

Metadata about fileData if needed (while using Buffer).

parseMode?: TelegramParseMode

Mode for parsing entities in the caption. Default to 'HTML'.

replyMarkup?: MachinatNode

One ReplyMarkup element for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

replyToMessageId?: number

If the message is a reply, ID of the original message

url?: string

HTTP URL for the file to be sent.

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