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Module line/components



Audio sends an audio message.




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ButtonTemplate: LineComponent<ButtonTemplateProps> = ...

Template with an image, title, text, and multiple action buttons.




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CameraAction: LineComponent<CameraActionProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

This action can be configured only with quick reply buttons. When a button associated with this action is tapped, the camera screen in LINE is opened.




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CameraRollAction: LineComponent<CameraRollActionProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

This action can be configured only with quick reply buttons. When a button associated with this action is tapped, the camera roll screen in LINE is opened.




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CarouselItem: LineComponent<CarouselItemProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

Column items of CarouselTemplate.




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CarouselTemplate: LineComponent<CarouselTemplateProps> = ...

Template with multiple columns which can be cycled like a carousel. The columns are shown in order when scrolling horizontally.




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ConfirmTemplate: LineComponent<ConfirmTemplateProps> = ...

Template with two action buttons.




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DateTimePickerAction: LineComponent<DateTimePickerActionProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

When a control associated with this action is tapped, a postback event is returned via webhook with the date and time selected by the user from the date and time selection dialog. The datetime picker action does not support time zones.




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Insert a LINE emoji within a Expression element.




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Expression: LineComponent<ExpressionProps> = ...

Append quick replies to the children content.




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Body block. Specify a FlexBox in the children.




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FlexBox: LineComponent<FlexBoxProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

FlexBox is a component that defines the layout of child components. You can also include a box in a box.




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FlexBubbleContainer: LineComponent<FlexBubbleContainerProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

FlexBubbleContainer is a container that contains one message bubble. It can contain four blocks: header, hero, body, and footer. The maximum size of JSON data that defines a bubble is 10 KB.




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FlexButton: LineComponent<FlexButtonProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

FlexButton renders a button. When the user taps a button, a specified action is performed.




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FlexCarouselContainer: LineComponent<FlexCarouselContainerProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

A carousel is a container that contains multiple bubbles as child elements. Users can scroll horizontally through the bubbles.




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FlexFiller: LineComponent<FlexFillerProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

FlexFiller is used to create a space. You can put a space between, before, or after components by inserting a filler anywhere within a box.




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FlexFooter: LineComponent<FlexBlockProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

Footer block. Specify a FlexBox in the children.




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FlexHeader: LineComponent<FlexBlockProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

Header block. Specify a FlexBox in the children.




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Hero block. Specify a FlexBox or FlexImage in the children.




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FlexIcon: LineComponent<FlexIconProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

FlexIconProps renders an icon for decorating the adjacent text.




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FlexImage: LineComponent<FlexImageProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

FlexImage renders an image.




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Flex Messages are messages with a customizable layout. You can customize the layout freely based on the specification for CSS Flexible Box (CSS Flexbox).




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FlexSeparator: LineComponent<FlextSeparatorProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

FlexImage renders an image.




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FlexSpacer: LineComponent<FlexSpacerProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

Not recommended. Use box padding instead.




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FlexSpan: LineComponent<FlexSpanProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

FlexSpan renders multiple text strings with different designs in one row. A FlexSpan element can only be placed under FlexText children.




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FlexText: LineComponent<FlexTextProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

FlexText renders a text string in one row.




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Image sends an image message.




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ImageCarouselItem: LineComponent<ImageCarouselItemProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

Column items of ImageCarouselTemplate.




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ImageCarouselTemplate: LineComponent<ImageCarouselTemplateProps> = ...

Template with multiple images which can be cycled like a carousel. The images are shown in order when scrolling horizontally.




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ImageMap: LineComponent<ImageMapProps> = ...

Imagemap messages are messages configured with an image that has multiple tappable areas. You can assign one tappable area for the entire image or different tappable areas on divided areas of the image.




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ImageMapArea: LineComponent<ImageMapAreaProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

ImageMapArea specifies the actions and tappable areas of an imagemap.




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ImageMapVideoArea: LineComponent<ImageMapVideoAreaProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

ImageMapVideoAreaProps play a video on the image and display a label with a hyperlink after the video is finished.




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Leave: LineComponent<{}> = ...

Leave a room or group. It throw when being sent to an user or by multicast.




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LinkRichMenu: LineComponent<LinkRichMenuProps> = ...

Links a rich menu to one or multiple users.




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Location sends a user location message.




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LocationAction: LineComponent<LocationActionProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

This action can be configured only with quick reply buttons. When a button associated with this action is tapped, the location screen in LINE is opened.




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MessageAction: LineComponent<MessageActionProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

When a control associated with this action is tapped, the string in the text property is sent as a message from the user.




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PostbackAction: LineComponent<PostbackActionProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

When a control associated with this action is tapped, a postback event is returned via webhook with the specified string in the data property.




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QuickReply: LineComponent<QuickReplyProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

QuickReply add a button at the bottom of screen after the Expression containing it is displayed.




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Sticker: LineComponent<StickerProps> = ...

Sticker sends an sticker message.




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UnlinkRichMenu: LineComponent<{}> = ...

Uninks the rich menu bound to one or multiple users.




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UriAction: LineComponent<UriActionProps, PartSegment<any>> = ...

When a control associated with this action is tapped, the URI specified in the uri property is opened.




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Video sends an video message.




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AudioProps: { duration: number; originalContentUrl: string }

Type declaration

  • duration: number

    Length of audio file (milliseconds)

  • originalContentUrl: string

    URL of audio file (Max character limit: 1000)

ButtonTemplateProps: { actions: MachinatNode; altText: string | ((template: Record<string, any>) => string); children: MachinatNode; defaultAction?: MachinatNode; imageAspectRatio?: "rectangle" | "square"; imageBackgroundColor?: string; imageSize?: "contain" | "cover"; thumbnailImageUrl?: string; title?: string }

Type declaration

  • actions: MachinatNode

    Action elements displayed as the buttons at the template. Max 4 buttons.

  • altText: string | ((template: Record<string, any>) => string)

    Alternative text. Displayed on devices that do not support template messages. Max character limit: 400. If a function is given, the return value would be used. The rendered template object is passed as the first param.

  • children: MachinatNode

    Texual nodes of message text.

  • Optional defaultAction?: MachinatNode

    An Action element to be triggered when image, title or text area is tapped.

  • Optional imageAspectRatio?: "rectangle" | "square"

    Aspect ratio of the image, rectangle: 1.51:1, square: 1:1. Default to 'rectangle'.

  • Optional imageBackgroundColor?: string

    Background color of the image. Specify a RGB color value. Default: #FFFFFF.

  • Optional imageSize?: "contain" | "cover"

    Size of the image. Default to 'cover'.

    • cover: The image fills the entire image area. Parts of the image that do not fit in the area are not displayed.
    • contain: The entire image is displayed in the image area. A background is displayed in the unused areas to the left and right of vertical images and in the areas above and below horizontal images.
  • Optional thumbnailImageUrl?: string

    Image URL (Max character limit: 1,000)

  • Optional title?: string
CameraActionProps: { label?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional label?: string

    Label for the action. Max character limit: 20

CameraRollActionProps: { label?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional label?: string

    Label for the action. Max character limit: 20

CarouselItemProps: { actions: MachinatNode; children: string; defaultAction?: MachinatNode; imageBackgroundColor?: string; thumbnailImageUrl?: string; title?: string }

Type declaration

  • actions: MachinatNode

    Action elements displayed as the buttons at the template. Max 3 buttons.

  • children: string

    Texual nodes of message text.

  • Optional defaultAction?: MachinatNode

    An Action element to be triggered when image, title or text area is tapped.

  • Optional imageBackgroundColor?: string

    Background color of the image. Specify a RGB color value. The default value is #FFFFFF (white).

  • Optional thumbnailImageUrl?: string

    Image URL (Max character limit: 1,000)

  • Optional title?: string
CarouselTemplateProps: { altText: string | ((template: Record<string, any>) => string); children: MachinatNode; imageAspectRatio?: "rectangle" | "square"; imageSize?: "contain" | "cover" }

Type declaration

  • altText: string | ((template: Record<string, any>) => string)

    Alternative text. Displayed on devices that do not support template messages. Max character limit: 400 If a function is given, the return value would be used. The rendered template object is passed as the first param.

  • children: MachinatNode

    CarouselItem elements displayed as bubble columns in the carousel. Max 10 columns.

  • Optional imageAspectRatio?: "rectangle" | "square"

    Aspect ratio of the image, rectangle: 1.51:1, square: 1:1. Default to 'rectangle'.

  • Optional imageSize?: "contain" | "cover"

    Size of the image. Default to 'cover'.

    • cover: The image fills the entire image area. Parts of the image that do not fit in the area are not displayed.
    • contain: The entire image is displayed in the image area. A background is displayed in the unused areas to the left and right of vertical images and in the areas above and below horizontal images.
ConfirmTemplateProps: { actions: MachinatNode; altText: string | ((template: Record<string, any>) => string); children: string }

Type declaration

  • actions: MachinatNode

    Exactly 2 Action elements displayed as the buttons at the template.

  • altText: string | ((template: Record<string, any>) => string)

    Alternative text. Displayed on devices that do not support template messages. Max character limit: 400 If a function is given, the return value would be used. The rendered template object is passed as the first param.

  • children: string

    Texual nodes of message text.

DateTimePickerActionProps: { data: string; initial?: string | Date; label?: string; max?: string | Date; min?: string | Date; mode?: "datetime" | "date" | "time" }

Type declaration

  • data: string

    String returned via webhook in the postback.data property of the postback event. Max character limit: 300.

  • Optional initial?: string | Date

    Initial value of date or time

  • Optional label?: string

    Label for the action

  • Optional max?: string | Date

    Largest date or time value that can be selected. Must be greater than the min value.

  • Optional min?: string | Date

    Smallest date or time value that can be selected. Must be less than the max value.

  • Optional mode?: "datetime" | "date" | "time"

    Action mode

EmojiProps: { emojiId: string; productId: string }

Type declaration

  • emojiId: string

    ID for a LINE emoji inside a set. See Sendable LINE emoji list.

  • productId: string

    Product ID for a set of LINE emoji. See Sendable LINE emoji list.

ExpressionProps: { children: MachinatNode; quickReplies?: MachinatNode }

Type declaration

FlexBlockProps: { backgroundColor?: string; children: MachinatNode; separator?: boolean; separatorColor?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional backgroundColor?: string

    Background color of the block. Use a hexadecimal color code.

  • children: MachinatNode

    Exactly one content node of the block.

  • Optional separator?: boolean

    true to place a separator above the block. Default to false.

  • Optional separatorColor?: string

    Color of the separator. Use a hexadecimal color code.

FlexBoxProps: { action?: MachinatNode; backgroundColor?: string; borderColor?: string; borderWidth?: number | "none" | "light" | "normal" | "medium" | "semi-bold" | "bold"; children: MachinatNode; cornerRadius?: number | "none" | FlexSize; flex?: number; height?: number | string; layout?: "horizontal" | "vertical" | "baseline"; margin?: "none" | FlexSize; offsetBottom?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetEnd?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetStart?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetTop?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; paddingAll?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; paddingBottom?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; paddingEnd?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; paddingStart?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; paddingTop?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; position?: "relative" | "absolute"; spacing?: "none" | FlexSize; width?: number | string }

Type declaration

  • Optional action?: MachinatNode

    An Action element performed when this image is tapped.

  • Optional backgroundColor?: string

    Background color of the block. In addition to the RGB color, an alpha channel (transparency) can also be set. Use a hexadecimal color code. (Example:#RRGGBBAA) The default value is #00000000.

  • Optional borderColor?: string

    Color of box border. Use a hexadecimal color code.

  • Optional borderWidth?: number | "none" | "light" | "normal" | "medium" | "semi-bold" | "bold"

    Width of box border.

  • children: MachinatNode

    Content nodes.

  • Optional cornerRadius?: number | "none" | FlexSize

    Radius at the time of rounding the corners of the border.

  • Optional flex?: number

    The ratio of the width or height of this component within the parent box.

  • Optional height?: number | string

    The height of a box. You can specify in % (the percentage with reference to the height of the parent element) or in pixels.

  • Optional layout?: "horizontal" | "vertical" | "baseline"

    The layout style of components in this box.

  • Optional margin?: "none" | FlexSize

    Minimum space between this component and the previous component in the parent element

  • Optional offsetBottom?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The bottom offset.

  • Optional offsetEnd?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The right offset.

  • Optional offsetStart?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The left offset.

  • Optional offsetTop?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The top offset.

  • Optional paddingAll?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    Free space between the borders of this box and the child element.

  • Optional paddingBottom?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    Free space between the border at the lower end of this box and the lower end of the child element.

  • Optional paddingEnd?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    Free space between the border at the right end of this box and the right end of the child element.

  • Optional paddingStart?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    Free space between the border at the left end of this box and the left end of the child element.

  • Optional paddingTop?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    Free space between the border at the upper end of this box and the upper end of the child element.

  • Optional position?: "relative" | "absolute"

    Reference position for placing this box. The default value is relative.

  • Optional spacing?: "none" | FlexSize

    Minimum space between components in this box. The default value is none.

  • Optional width?: number | string

    The width of a box. You can specify in % (the percentage with reference to the width of the parent element) or in pixels.

FlexBubbleContainerProps: { action?: MachinatNode; children: MachinatNode; direction?: "rtl" | "ltr"; rightToLeft?: boolean }

Type declaration

  • Optional action?: MachinatNode

    An Action element performed when this image is tapped.

  • children: MachinatNode

    Bubble block elements including FlexHeader, FlexHero, FlexBody and {@flex FlexFooter}. Each kind of bubble part should present no more than once.

  • Optional direction?: "rtl" | "ltr"

    Text directionality and the direction of placement of components in horizontal boxes.

  • Optional rightToLeft?: boolean

    Alias of direction="rtl" when set to true.

FlexButtonProps: { action?: MachinatNode; backgroundColor?: string; color?: string; flex?: number; gravity?: FlexGravity; height?: "sm" | "md"; margin?: "none" | FlexSize; offsetBottom?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetEnd?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetStart?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetTop?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; position?: "relative" | "absolute"; style?: "primary" | "secondary" | "link" }

Type declaration

  • Optional action?: MachinatNode

    An Action element performed when this button is tapped.

  • Optional backgroundColor?: string

    Background color of the block. In addition to the RGB color, an alpha channel (transparency) can also be set. Use a hexadecimal color code. (Example:#RRGGBBAA) The default value is #00000000.

  • Optional color?: string

    Character color when the style property is link. Background color when the style property is primary or secondary. Use a hexadecimal color code.

  • Optional flex?: number

    The ratio of the width or height of this component within the parent box.

  • Optional gravity?: FlexGravity

    Alignment style in vertical direction. Default to top

  • Optional height?: "sm" | "md"

    Height of the button.

  • Optional margin?: "none" | FlexSize

    Minimum space between this component and the previous component in the parent element

  • Optional offsetBottom?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The bottom offset.

  • Optional offsetEnd?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The right offset.

  • Optional offsetStart?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The left offset.

  • Optional offsetTop?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The top offset.

  • Optional position?: "relative" | "absolute"

    Reference for offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetStart, and offsetEnd. The default value is relative.

  • Optional style?: "primary" | "secondary" | "link"

    Style of the button. The default value is link.

FlexCarouselContainerProps: { children: MachinatNode }

Type declaration

FlexFillerProps: { flex?: number }

Type declaration

  • Optional flex?: number

    The ratio of the width or height of this component within the parent box.

FlexIconProps: { aspectRatio?: string; margin?: "none" | FlexSize; offsetBottom?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetEnd?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetStart?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetTop?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; position?: "relative" | "absolute"; size?: FlexFullSize; url: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional aspectRatio?: string

    Aspect ratio of the icon. {width}:{height} format. The values of {width} and {height} must be in the range 1–100000. {height} can't be more than three times the value of {width}. The default value is 1:1.

  • Optional margin?: "none" | FlexSize

    Minimum space between this component and the previous component in the parent element

  • Optional offsetBottom?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The bottom offset.

  • Optional offsetEnd?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The right offset.

  • Optional offsetStart?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The left offset.

  • Optional offsetTop?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The top offset.

  • Optional position?: "relative" | "absolute"

    Reference for offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetStart, and offsetEnd. The default value is relative.

  • Optional size?: FlexFullSize

    Maximum size of the icon width. The default value is md.

  • url: string

    Image URL

FlexImageProps: { action?: MachinatNode; align?: FlexAlign; aspectMode?: "cover" | "fit"; aspectRatio?: string; backgroundColor?: string; flex?: number; gravity?: FlexGravity; margin?: "none" | FlexSize; offsetBottom?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetEnd?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetStart?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetTop?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; position?: "relative" | "absolute"; size?: FlexFullSize; url: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional action?: MachinatNode

    An Action element performed when this image is tapped.

  • Optional align?: FlexAlign

    Alignment style in horizontal direction.

  • Optional aspectMode?: "cover" | "fit"

    The display style of the image if the aspect ratio of the image and that specified by the aspectRatio property do not match.

  • Optional aspectRatio?: string

    Aspect ratio of the image. {width}:{height} format. The values of {width} and {height} must be in the range 1–100000. {height} can't be more than three times the value of {width}. The default value is 1:1.

  • Optional backgroundColor?: string

    Background color of the image. Use a hexadecimal color code.

  • Optional flex?: number

    The ratio of the width or height of this component within the parent box.

  • Optional gravity?: FlexGravity

    Alignment style in vertical direction.

  • Optional margin?: "none" | FlexSize

    Minimum space between this component and the previous component in the parent element

  • Optional offsetBottom?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The bottom offset.

  • Optional offsetEnd?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The right offset.

  • Optional offsetStart?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The left offset.

  • Optional offsetTop?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The top offset.

  • Optional position?: "relative" | "absolute"

    Reference for offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetStart, and offsetEnd. The default value is relative.

  • Optional size?: FlexFullSize

    Maximum size of the image width.

  • url: string

    Image URL

FlexMessageProps: { altText: string; children: MachinatNode }

Type declaration

FlexSpacerProps: { size?: FlexSize }

Type declaration

  • Optional size?: FlexSize

    Size of the space.

FlexSpanProps: { children: MachinatNode; color?: string; decoration?: "none" | "underline" | "line-through"; size?: FlexFullSize; style?: "normal" | "italic"; weight?: "regular" | "bold" }

Type declaration

  • children: MachinatNode

    Content textual nodes.

  • Optional color?: string

    Font color. Use a hexadecimal color code.

  • Optional decoration?: "none" | "underline" | "line-through"

    Decoration of the text.

  • Optional size?: FlexFullSize

    Font size.

  • Optional style?: "normal" | "italic"

    Style of the text.

  • Optional weight?: "regular" | "bold"

    Font weight. The default value is regular.

FlexTextProps: { action?: MachinatNode; align?: FlexAlign; children: MachinatNode; color?: string; decoration?: "none" | "underline" | "line-through"; flex?: number; gravity?: FlexGravity; margin?: "none" | FlexSize; maxLines?: number; offsetBottom?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetEnd?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetStart?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; offsetTop?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize; position?: "relative" | "absolute"; size?: FlexFullSize; style?: "normal" | "italic"; weight?: "regular" | "bold"; wrap?: boolean }

Type declaration

  • Optional action?: MachinatNode

    An Action element performed when this image is tapped.

  • Optional align?: FlexAlign

    Alignment style in horizontal direction.

  • children: MachinatNode

    Texual nodes and FlexSpan elements as the content text.

  • Optional color?: string

    Font color. Use a hexadecimal color code.

  • Optional decoration?: "none" | "underline" | "line-through"

    Decoration of the text.

  • Optional flex?: number

    The ratio of the width or height of this component within the parent box.

  • Optional gravity?: FlexGravity

    Alignment style in vertical direction.

  • Optional margin?: "none" | FlexSize

    Minimum space between this component and the previous component in the parent element

  • Optional maxLines?: number

    Max number of lines. If the text does not fit in the specified number of lines, an ellipsis (…) is displayed at the end of the last line. If set to 0, all the text is displayed. The default value is 0.

  • Optional offsetBottom?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The bottom offset.

  • Optional offsetEnd?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The right offset.

  • Optional offsetStart?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The left offset.

  • Optional offsetTop?: number | string | "none" | FlexSize

    The top offset.

  • Optional position?: "relative" | "absolute"

    Reference for offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetStart, and offsetEnd. The default value is relative.

  • Optional size?: FlexFullSize

    Font size.

  • Optional style?: "normal" | "italic"

    Style of the text.

  • Optional weight?: "regular" | "bold"

    Font weight. The default value is regular.

  • Optional wrap?: boolean

    true to wrap text. The default value is false. If set to true, you can use a new line character \n to begin on a new line.

FlextSeparatorProps: { color?: string; margin?: "none" | FlexSize }

Type declaration

  • Optional color?: string

    Color of the separator. Use a hexadecimal color code.

  • Optional margin?: "none" | FlexSize

    Minimum space between this component and the previous component in the parent element.

ImageCarouselItemProps: { action?: MachinatNode; imageUrl: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional action?: MachinatNode

    One Action element to be triggered the when image is tapped.

  • imageUrl: string

    Image URL (Max character limit: 1,000)

ImageCarouselTemplateProps: { altText: string | ((template: Record<string, any>) => string); children: MachinatNode }

Type declaration

  • altText: string | ((template: Record<string, any>) => string)

    Alternative text. Displayed on devices that do not support template messages. Max character limit: 400 If a function is given, the return value would be used. The rendered template object is passed as the first param.

  • children: MachinatNode

    ImageCarouselItem elements displayed as image columns in the carousel. Max 10 columns.

ImageMapAreaProps: { action: MachinatNode; height: number; width: number; x: number; y: number }

Type declaration

  • action: MachinatNode

    An UriAction or MessageAction element to be triggered when the area is touched.

  • height: number

    Height of the tappable area.

  • width: number

    Width of the tappable area.

  • x: number

    Horizontal position relative to the left edge of the area. Value must be 0 or higher.

  • y: number

    Vertical position relative to the top of the area. Value must be 0 or higher.

ImageMapProps: { altText: string; baseUrl?: string; children: MachinatNode; height: number; video?: MachinatNode }

Type declaration

  • altText: string

    Alternative text.

  • Optional baseUrl?: string

    Base URL of the image

  • children: MachinatNode

    ImageMapArea elements for the actions on touching.

  • height: number

    Height of base image. Set to the height that corresponds to a width of 1040 pixels.

  • Optional video?: MachinatNode

    One ImageMapVideoArea element to play video within the image map.

ImageMapVideoAreaProps: { action?: MachinatNode; height: number; originalContentUrl: string; previewImageUrl: string; width: number; x: number; y: number }

Type declaration

  • Optional action?: MachinatNode

    An UriAction element to be displayed after the video is finished.

  • height: number

    Height of the video area

  • originalContentUrl: string

    URL of the video file (Max character limit: 1000)

  • previewImageUrl: string

    URL of the preview image (Max character limit: 1000)

  • width: number

    Width of the video area

  • x: number

    Horizontal position of the video area relative to the left edge of the imagemap area. Value must be 0 or higher.

  • y: number

    Vertical position of the video area relative to the top of the imagemap area. Value must be 0 or higher.

ImageProps: { originalContentUrl: string; previewImageUrl: string }

Type declaration

  • originalContentUrl: string

    Image URL (Max character limit: 1000)

  • previewImageUrl: string

    Preview image URL (Max character limit: 1000)

LinkRichMenuProps: { id: string }

Type declaration

  • id: string

    ID of a rich menu.

LocationActionProps: { label?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional label?: string

    Label for the action. Max character limit: 20

LocationProps: { address: string; latitude: number; longitude: number; title: string }

Type declaration

  • address: string
  • latitude: number
  • longitude: number
  • title: string
MessageActionProps: { label?: string; text?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional label?: string

    Label for the action

  • Optional text?: string

    Text sent when the action is performed. Max character limit: 300

PostbackActionProps: { data: string; displayText?: string; label?: string }

Type declaration

  • data: string

    String returned via webhook in the postback.data property of the postback event. Max character limit: 300.

  • Optional displayText?: string

    Text displayed in the chat as a message sent by the user when the action is performed. Required for quick reply buttons. Optional for the other message types. Max character limit: 300.

  • Optional label?: string

    Label for the action

QuickReplyProps: { children: MachinatNode; imageUrl?: string }

Type declaration

  • children: MachinatNode

    One Action element to be performed when the button is touched.

  • Optional imageUrl?: string

    URL of the icon that is displayed at the beginning of the button.

StickerProps: { packageId: string; stickerId: string }

Type declaration

  • packageId: string

    Sticker ID. For a list of sticker IDs for stickers that can be sent with the Messaging API, see the Sticker list.

  • stickerId: string

    Package ID for a set of stickers. For information on package IDs, see the Sticker list.

UriActionProps: { label?: string; uri: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional label?: string

    Label for the action

  • uri: string

    URI opened when the action is performed (Max character limit: 1000). The available schemes are http, https, line, and tel.

VideoProps: { originalContentUrl: string; previewImageUrl: string; trackingId?: string }

Type declaration

  • originalContentUrl: string

    URL of video file (Max character limit: 1000)

  • previewImageUrl: string

    URL of preview image (Max character limit: 1000)

  • Optional trackingId?: string

    ID used to identify the video when Video viewing complete event occurs. If you send a video message with trackingId added, the video viewing complete event occurs when the user finishes watching the video.


Action: typeof PostbackAction | typeof MessageAction | typeof UriAction | typeof DateTimePickerAction | typeof CameraAction | typeof CameraRollAction | typeof LocationAction

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