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Getting Started

Welcome to the Machinat framework document!

If you are new to Machinat, we recommend starting from the tutorial. It brings you to build a complete app step by step.

System Requirement

Create Machinat App

We recommend to create a Machinat app project with @machinat/create-app initiator. Run this command to create a hello-world project:

npm init @machinat/app@latest -- -p <platform> [-p <platform> ...] <project-path>

Or using yarn:

yarn create @machinat/app -p <platform> [-p <platform> ...] <project-path>


The following platforms are supported for now:

  • messenger - receive/send messages as a Facebook page in Messenger.
  • telegram - receive/send messages as a bot in Telegram.
  • line - receive/send messages as a LINE official account.
  • webview - extend embedded webviews on the chat platforms.

Project Directory Structure

After the command is finished, it create the new project with following structure:

├── src
│ ├── cli # executable bin
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── components # chat UI components
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── handlers # event handlers
│ │ ├── handleChat.tsx # handle chat events
│ │ ├── handleWebview.tsx # handle webview events
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── scenes # dialog scripts
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── services # common services
│ │ ├── useIntent.ts # detect intent
│ │ ├── useUserProfile.ts # get user profile
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── migrations # migrations
│ │ ├── 0-init-app.ts # initial migration
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── webview # webview front-end
│ │ ├── pages
│ │ │ └── index.tsx # root webview page
│ │ ├── next.config.js # next.js config
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── main.ts # control flow of events
│ ├── app.ts # init platforms, modules and services
│ ├── recognitionData.ts # intent recognition data
│ └── index.ts # entry point to start server
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── tsconfig.json
├── .env # environments file
└── .env.example

Env Configs

The .env file contains settings that need to be filled before starting your app. You can check .env.example for the instructions to set up.


To run the app on the chat platforms, you need to manage resources like the webhook subscriptions. The managing operations are described in migration files under /src/migrations.

A migration file might looks like this:

import { makeContainer } from '@machinat/core';
import Messenger from '@machinat/messenger';

export const up = makeContainer({
deps: [Messenger.Bot],
async (messengerBot) => {
// create resources...
messengerBot.makeApiCall(/* ... */);

export const down = makeContainer({
deps: [Messenger.Bot],
async (messengerBot) => {
// remove resources...
messengerBot.makeApiCall(/* ... */);

Every time you develop or deploy on a new environment, run command npm run migrate to update the migration jobs. It executes the up function to keep the resources up to date.

Every migration job is going to be executed once per environment. You can also use the npm run migrate -- --down command to revert the migrations. It executes the down function to cancel the operations.

The /src/migrations/0-init-app.ts file contains the initiating jobs. You can add new operations in it before the app goes into production. After that, consider adding a new migration file so you can rollback if needed.


If your app supports Messenger platform, make sure the server is running while executing the initial migration.

Start Dev Server

During development, use the npm run dev command to start the server in dev mode. The command do 2 things:

  1. Start a dev server up. It'll automatically refresh when codes change.
  2. Create a https tunnel connected to a endpoint, so your local server can receive webhook requests from the chat platforms.

Try talking to your bot on the chat platform when the server is running. A hello-world app should be working if you finish the setup.

Manually Install


The rest of this page is for creating your project from scratch. You can skip if you choose to use the creator.

Core Modules

Machinat framework is built in progressive framework paradigm, that you can install the modules you need progressively. First you need @machinat/core and also @machinat/http to receive HTTP requests:

npm install @machinat/core @machinat/http
# or with yarn
yarn add @machinat/core @machinat/http

A simple Machinat app may look like this:

import Machinat from '@machinat/core';
import Http from '@machinat/http';
import Messenger from '@machinat/messenger';

const ENV = process.env;

modules: [
Http.initModule({ port: 8080 }),
platforms: [
webhookPath: '/webhook/messenger',
.onEvent(async ({ reply, event }) => {
await reply(<p>Hello World!</p>);


Platforms modules connect to external sources, like messaging platforms, webviews or any communication channel. The platforms listen to events from users and interact with them. That's how a sociable app works.

Install the platform packages that you like to communicate your users with:

npm install @machinat/messenger @machinat/webview # ...
# or with yarn
yarn add @machinat/messenger @machinat/webview # ...

For now, Machinat supports the platforms below. Check the readme of the package for the usage guide.

Enabling JSX

To enable Machinat JSX syntax, you need to configure the transpiling environment. You can choose either Babel.js or TypeScript.

With TypeScript

Add the following compilerOptions settings in your tsconfig.json:

"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "react",
"jsxFactory": "Machinat.createElement",
"jsxFragmentFactory": "Machinat.Fragment"
// ...

With Babel

Install @machinat/babel-preset package:

npm install -D @machinat/babel-preset
# or using yarn
yarn add --dev @machinat/babel-preset

Then add it into babel.config.js like this:

module.exports = {
presets: [
['@babel/preset-env', {

Import Machinat

Finally you have to import Machinat in the file before using JSX:

import Machinat from '@machinat/core';

const greeting = <p>Hello World!</p>;

In TypeScript, the file extension must be .tsx to enable JSX syntax.

Listening to HTTP

Use listenOptions of the @machinat/http module to configure HTTP server. It take the same options as server.listen(). For example:

listenOptions: {
host: '::',
port: 8080,
ipv6Only: true,

If you have multiple platforms that need a HTTP entry point, set the route path for each platform. Like:

platforms: [
webhookPath: '/webhook/messenger',
webhookPath: '/webhook/telegram',

You can check the API reference for the details.

Starting App

After all modules are configured, call app.start() to run the app. Like:

const app = Machinat.createApp({ ... });

.then(() => console.log('Your App is Started!'))
.catch(err => console.error(err));