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Webview in Chat

We have learned how to ship features in chat, but sometimes chat UI is not suitable for every feature. In this lesson, you'll learn how to open a webview to provide more features in GUI.

Time to accomplish: 15 minutes


Some Next.js and React.js features are used in this lesson. You can learn more about them here:

  • React.js - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Next.js - The React Framework for Production.

Extend a Webview

Finally let's implement the deleting todo feature. But this time, we are going to use a webview to display all the finished and unfinished todos.

Open Webview

Follow the guide of the platform to add a button for opening the webview:

Edit the WithMenu component like this:

import { WebviewButton as MessengerWebviewButton } from '@machinat/messenger/webview';
if (platform === 'messenger') {
return (
<MessengerWebviewButton title="Edit 📤" />

Now an Edit 📤 button is added in the menu like this:

Try tapping the button and you should see the default webview is already working!

Webview Client

The web front-end codes are in the webview directory. Check webview/pages/index.tsx file and you'll see a WebviewClient is created with the useClient hook. Like:

  // ...
const client = useClient({
mockupMode: typeof window === 'undefined',
authPlatforms: [
new MessengerAuth({ pageId: MESSENGER_PAGE_ID }),
// ...

The client will log in the user and opens a connection to the server. We can then use it to communicate with the server.

Webview Page

Let's display all the todos in the webview. Edit the index page to this:

import { TodoState } from '../../src/types';
// ...

const WebAppHome = () => {
// ...
const data = useEventReducer<null | TodoState>(
(currentData, { event }) => {
if (event.type === 'app_data') {
return currentData;

return (
<title>Edit Todos</title>

<h4>You have {data ? data.todos.length : '?'} Todo:</h4>
{data? => <tr><td>{}</td></tr>)}

<h4>You have {data ? data.finishedTodos.length : '?'} finished Todo:</h4>
{data? => <tr><td>{}</td></tr>)}
// ...

The JSX in the webview is React.js element. While the Machinat JSX is rendered into chat messages, the React JSX is rendered into HTML content.

The useEventReducer hook is the simplest way to handle events from the server. Every time a event is received, the reducer function is called to update the data.

const data = useEventReducer(client, reducerFn, initialValue);

Because there is no data now, the webview should look like this:

Communicate to Webview

On the server side, we have to send the todos data to the webview. Edit the handleWebview handlers to this:

import { makeContainer } from '@machinat/core/service';
import TodoController from '../services/TodoController';
import { WebAppEventContext } from '../types';

const handleWebview = makeContainer({
deps: [TodoController],
(todoController) =>
async (ctx: WebAppEventContext & { platform: 'webview' }) => {
const { event, bot, metadata: { auth } } = ctx;

if (event.type === 'connect') {
const { data } = await todoController.getTodos(;

return bot.send(, {
type: 'app_data',
payload: { data },

export default handleWebview;

The bot.send(channel, eventObj) method sends an event to the webview. Here we emit an 'app_data' event every time a webview 'connect'.

The metadata.auth object contains the authorization infos. The refers to the original chatroom, so we can use TodoController to get todos data.

Now the webview should display the todos like this:

Send Event to Server

Let's add a button to delete a todo. Edit the index page like this:

// ...
const WebAppHome = () => {
// ...
const TodoRow = ({ todo }) => (
<td style={{ verticalAlign: 'middle' }}>{}</td>
<td style={{ textAlign: 'right' }}>
onClick={() => {
type: 'delete_todo',
payload: { id: },


return (
<title>Edit Todos</title>

<h3>Press ❌ to delete todos</h3>

<h4>You have {data ? data.todos.length : '?'} Todo:</h4>
{data? => <TodoRow todo={todo} />)}

<h4>You have {data ? data.finishedTodos.length : '?'} finished Todo:</h4>
{data? => <TodoRow todo={todo} />)}

We add a button on every TodoRow to delete the todo. Now the webview should look like this :

The client.send(eventObj) method sends an event back to the server. Here we emit a 'delete_todo' event when the button is tapped.

We can then handle it at server side like this:

  // ...
if (event.type === 'delete_todo') {
const { todo, data } = await todoController.deleteTodo(,

return bot.send(, {
type: 'app_data',
payload: { data },

We delete the todo in the state when a 'delete_todo' event is received. Then emit an 'app_data' event to refresh the data.

Now the todos can be deleted in the webview like this:

Congratulations! 🎉 You have finished the Machinat app tutorial. Now you are able to combine JSX Chat UI, Services, Dialog Scripts and Webview to build a feature-rich app with amazing experiences in chat.

Here are some resources you can go next: